Pastor Phylis brings a myriad of gifts, skills and abilities to the staff of Jubilee Christian Centre.
She earned a Psy.D. from Argosy University in 2001 in addition to a M.A. in curriculum and instruction, a B.A. in Elementary Education and Communication, an endorsement in English As a Second Language, a Christian Workers Certificate with an emphasis on Theology.
She has held ministerial credentials since 1986 and was ordained in 1992. She has been actively involved in leadership in Jubilee Christian Centre since she and her husband began pastoring in 1981. Previously, she served a 4-year mission term in Ecuador along with her husband and two young sons. Here at Jubilee, she has directed the education department, youth department, and music department and women's ministries. In addition, she taught middle school English in the public schools in Elgin for 29 years.
Currently, her pastoral duties include mentoring leaders in education, worship and women's ministry. In addition she is launching a new ministry of Life Coach.
In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and social media.